Sarandis Nurseries is Incorporated. On the same year, the Dutch style glass greenhouse is built, one hectare in size, for the production of rose flowers.
First export of outdoor grown sweet corn to Germany.
First export of sweet corn to the U.K. The collaboration with the U.K. market, aimed at the supermarket sector, is still in full effect today.
Butternut is introduced as a test crop for the area, in an one hectare field, with total yield of approximately twenty two tons. Since then, and following the export of this crop to the U.K., Butternut production and packing has been steadily growing in quantity and quality, making it our main activity.
A team of five growers is created for the production of Butternut squash in twenty six hectares and sweet corn in twenty hectares. The same year, this team, headed by Sarandis Nurseries, becomes the first group of growers in Greece to get certified under GlobalGAP (then EurepGAP).
To support the increased production and demand, new packhouse and storage facilities are built. Butternut squash has now become the center of our operations.
First strawberry crop in the glass greenhouse.
First Raspberry crop in the glass greenhouse.
New polytunnel type greenhouse is built, four hectares in size, to expand the ability of the company to operate in a wider seasonal window.
Total quantity of the main crops produced by the company has reached approximately six thousand tons of Butternut squash and one and a half million cobs of fresh sweetcorn each year. Sarandis Nurseries has grown into one of the largest single european exporters of Butternut squash to the U.K. Also produced is a wide range of winter squash, as well as multiple products used in the Halloween celebration, such as giant pumpkins, Munchkins, gourds, and multicolored decorative Indian corn.